Dog Food Quiz

Only 7+1 questions separate you from finding the perfect food for your dog!

7+1 questions

All you have to do is answer 7+1 questions and we will find you the best food for your dog.

You can start over anytime

Do you feel like you didn’t give the right answer to one of the questions? No problem, you start the quiz over anytime you’d like!

Immediate result

You only have to wait a few seconds to get your results. We will start summarizing and evaluating your answers right after you placed your last answer!

Answer the following questions

Once you have answered all of our 7+1 questions, we will automatically redirect you to the website, where you will find the dog food that suits your dog’s needs the most.

What’s your dog’s gender?
Is your dog still a puppy, or an adult dog?
What’s the breed of your dog?
Which of the following suits your dog best?
When was your dog born?
Please choose one from the list
How active is your dog?
What is your dog’s physique?
Does your dog have any food allergies?
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